Two industrial units, side by side

Quantum Discount

  • Case Study

    Quantum Discount

    Two contiguous Industrial buildings with a combined Rateable Value circa £290,000


Our client occupied two industrial units adjacent to each other. Their respective rateable values were £140,000 and £150,000 bringing their total rates payable per annum to £148,000. After inspecting the properties, we were able to determine the units were contiguous and therefore we could combine the hereditaments.

After combining the hereditaments their total rates payable was reduced by 4% to £142,080. We were also able to backdate this change to the start of their occupation in 2019 and secure a refund from the council for the rates overpaid of £17,750.


Quantum Discount

Two industrial units, side by side


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  • Case Study


    Parking Rateable Value £22,000

We were able to arrange for a single car parking hereditament to be split into separate elements, enabling them to fall below the chargeable threshold. With individual Rateable Values of £2,600, rates were no longer payable. This removed the entire annual parking liability of circa. £11,000.




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